Tuesday 26 April 2011

Fluffy Scarves

 Purple scarf

White n Grey Scarf
Be Yourself and LOVE Yourself.

After I gave birth, I looked like an auntie. I couldn't help it, I convinced myself. Looking after a baby is hard work and when one is this tired, who will bother to dress up? And the more I don't dress up, the more auntie I looked and the more depressed I became...

Then I need to go back to work after I have exhausted my maternity leave. Damn! Gonna face my ex-colleagues with my auntie face, auntie body and auntie clothes!!! AHHHH!!! I was going into a frenzy trying to reinvent my entire wardrobe when a good friend calmed me down and told me the magic word -

Take the attention away from your waistline with a striking scarf or unique necklace!

I am stunned.... What a brilliant idea.

Price: S$25
Dimensions: approx 45-52 inches long
Note: Comes in spunky purple and elegant white n grey. Please specify your preference in your email to bunniemummy@gmail.com

Moon Blankets for Children

Every parent knows how important a good nite's sleep is for their child... My gal sometimes refuses to fall asleep at night and when we insist, she will wail and scream and get all worked up. Honestly I don't understand wat's the big deal with staying awake.

Like all parents, we put a lot of attention on the kid's bedroom:

1. Do not let the child sleep with you. Let them have the habit of sleeping alone!

2. Black out the entire room. When they cannot see a thing, they will get bored and dozed off. Problem is, I cant see a thing as well...
3. Surround them with familiar bedtime objects and give them ownership to their favorite pillow, bolster and blanket. This will make them feel secure and at ease

I will snuggle my girl in her moon blanket and whisper in her ears. See, even Mr Moon is sleeping and having sweet dreams. Close your eyes, my sweet darling and let Mr Moon bring you to dreamland.
Good night!

Price: S$38 per blanket
Dimensions: 31 inch x 27 inch
Note: Moon Blanket comes in two colors - Blue and Pink with white borders. Please specify which color you prefer in your email to bunniemummy@gmail.com

Blue, Pink and Yellow Crochet Blanket

Both me and my sister have fond memories of this Blue, Pink and Yellow crochet blanket. 

This must be the oldest design in the history of crochet blankets for kids but the simple design remains ever lasting - As long as you have a oh-so-sweet pastel color combination.

I remembered the blanket grew in size as we got bigger. Bunny mummy would simply add on more colored squares and when she could not buy the same color thread anymore for expansion, she will sew a nice white border around the whole blanket... Ahhhh... yes, we still have that very old blanket we used to snuggle in when we were tiny.

Price: S$55
Dimensions : approx 28 inches x 28 inches
Note: Made to order at any size and color combination, subjected to available materials. Please drop us an email at bunniemummy@gmail.com

Little Girls' Dresses

Poncho One
 Poncho Two

It all started with the baby poncho - the century old design which is sooo my mum's era. I am not so sure if they are still in fashion now or have they evolved...

Anyway, told bunnie mummy that I am putting her babywear up in the blog and she said "for what?". Yah, since she does not appear to have much intentions to knit new pieces. Its so labour intensive and difficult to gauge the sizes, she laments. "Well, maybe one or two pieces would be fine..." Great! 
 Little Yellow Dress

Ketchup Gal Dress
Price: Enquire upon request
Dimensions: Custom sizes
Note: Please drop your enquires at bunniemummy@gmail.com

Monday 25 April 2011

Little Boys' Tops

Turtle Tee
I love to call this the baby turtle top.... Baby turtles are so cute and they crawl around like babies. At times alert, at times lazy... but they always bring a smile to your face... ah that's my baby turtle. 

Green n White Stripes

Having children on my own makes me approach sewing very differently. I used to just sew as a hobby and without much purpose. The end product just have to look good and nothing else matters. Now aesthetics is no longer the only criteria.
I start to examine the yarn - Is it soft and comfortable? It is suitable for the tropical weather? Is the yarn of good quality?

I start to look into the details - buttons on the front and back are bad for young and crawling babies. I hate "button- marks" on kids. Ouch.

Why I am so wise
Hence, from the standard wool or cotton yarn normally used for knitting, bunnie mummy has switched to a finer and thinner yarn.... Yes, it's baby soft... no more stiffness after washing and drying...

Price: Enquire upon request
Dimensions: Custom sizes
Note: Made to order. Please email to bunniemummy@gmail.com