Wednesday 4 May 2011

Animal Series Hair Clips

the Bunnies
 the Doggies
 Ba Ba Black Sheeps

Lamp Chops
 Pinkie Mouse
 Bear Bear
There are big projects and there are small projects. The animal series hairclips is one of those small projects I enjoy making in my free time. However, I soon realise that this collection is not easy to make.

One, the animals are too small and demand great craftsmanship and unwavering attention to every stitch. Two, there is only this few steps you can do to make the animals look cute. The design is so minimal that once a stitch is off, you will not be able to capture the soul of the animal. I really need to be in a happy and relaxed frame of mind to work on this collection.

Collection Set A
Collection Set B
Collection Set C
Collection Set D
Collection Set E

Festive Packaging

Price : S$12 per collection set
Dimensions : Each animal is approx 3cm in width. Hairclip is approx 4cm in length
Note : Please quote the collection you prefer in your email to

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